ADR's Fashion Shower


Fashion rules according to Anna Dello Russo:

1// Fashion is a declaration of your own freedom.
2// Between style and fashion? Absolutely fashion!
3// Fashion is always uncomfortable. If you feel comfortable, you never get the look.
4// Fabulous at any age.
5// Wearing night clothes in the day time is unexpected.
6// Somebody wearing your same outfit? Wonderful! You did the right choice!
7// You must wear outfit once!
8// Wear a coat as a dress.
9// It doesn't matter the size of your body, fashion flatters everything!
10// Fashion jewels personalize your style.

So that was a fun video, and I bet the collection is gonna be just as fun BUT I can't agree with lesson 2 and 3. Style is way more important than fashion and no matter how weird you decide to dress, you must still FEEL comfortable with yourself!


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